I Believe…..

I am a Teacher with high standards for my students for which I do not apologize. Though I teach special class, I basically teach at grade level; providing many different entry points for different learners.  Today, I was so proud to be able to say to my students (for the first time this year), that I am so proud of them.  A large percentage of them are now passing the regents quizzes that I have been giving to them.  I see their confidence increasing and I am excited because I know that they are going to do much better than many may expect.  I have always believed that the bar should be raised and people should strive to reach it versus having little expectations due to labels that others have placed on those very same people.

Students who expected to be passed just because they occasionally showed up have not passed my classes.  Clearly, passing just for showing up the last week of class, or turning in a few assignments the day before the marking period ends has worked for them in the past.  I still have a few students who show up the last week of grading thinking I might pass them for gracing me with an appearance. I simply smile to myself.  Those who have been attending consistently are now working hard because they finally accept that they must work for what they want or expect in life (at least in our class). I believe that this is a valuable life lesson – anything gained in life comes from focused effort, simply put – hard work.  This teaches the character trait of persistence, which is invaluable.

I hope that my students, who are now making strides, are just as proud of themselves as I am of them. Many of my students have been discouraged and beat up by life even though they are yet babies.  All they need is confidence in themselves, encouragement, and the opportunity to smile.  Seeing success is the true reward of teaching.

2 comments to I Believe…..

  1. Sangus says:

    I think that it is wonderful that you are seeing such marked success with your students. You are clearly receiving the support that you need in order to help them succeed in an uncompromising way. Kudos to you!

    • jfoss says:

      Thank you for the compliment Sherry! I love seeing their success and I love not having to compromise my values. Thanks for visiting and please return!

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